You and the F-Word

The F-word–Future. Don’t we all wish we had a crystal ball right now? It can be so tempting to try to pin down what will happen in the coming months. But is that the most helpful way to spend our mental energy?

Scenario Planning is some of the most critical work organizations can do these days. Why? Because, pssst….traditional strategic planning is now no longer a thing.

Futures-thinking is a practice that involves moving our thoughts into scenarios, playing with complex uncertainties, and suspending belief and/or disbelief.

Disclaimer: The goal is NOT about predicting the future. So what is the purpose?

The goal of scenario planning and futures-thinking is to imagine what plausible future states might look like. Futures-thinking is a game where flexible thinkers rule.

Futures Thinking (according to a Harvard Business Review Article) enhances capacity to:
1. perceive change
2. interpret and respond to change
3. influence other actors
4. learn as an organization

A July 2020 report from Deloitte, “An Event or an Era: Resources for Social Sector Decision Making in the Context of COVID-19,” projects four scenarios for the 12-18 month future and details how each might impact funders, nonprofits, and our society as a whole.

What if we could suspend what we think we know about life and its trajectory?

How would organizations benefit when leaders cultivate mental dexterity?

What would it look like to become more aware of and responsive to present changes?

If this resonated with you, I’d love to hear what you’re thinking.


© 2020 Sample Consulting Studio



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